Effects of sarsasapogenin derivatives on amyloid fibrils and cell viability

Effects of sarsasapogenin derivatives on amyloid fibrils and cell viability

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Mgr. Miroslav Gančár100%100%100%
RNDr. Zuzana Bednáriková PhD. 100%100%100%
Vladimir Vanik100%100%100%
RNDr. Andrea Antošová PhD.100%100%100%
RNDr. Michal Borovský PhD.100%100%100%
Vlasta Zavisova100%100%100%
Zuzana Gazova100%100%100%
Martina Koneracká100%100%100%
ISBN: 978-80-972360-6-9

Effects of sarsasapogenin derivatives on amyloid fibrils and cell viability

Barbora Spodniaková1 , Zuzana Bednáriková , Rui Wang2 , Miroslav Gančár , Zuzana Gažová
1 Ústav experimentálnej fyziky, Oddelenie biofyziky,SAV, Košice, Slovenká republika
2 School of Pharmacy, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China

Formation and accumulation of protein amyloid aggregates is associated with pathologies of many currently untreatable amyloid-related disorders including Alzheimer's disease (AD) [1]. Anemarrhenae asphodeloides is a Chinese herb used in traditional Chinese medicine as an antidepressant and anti-diabetic agent. Recently, the neuroprotective effect of  sarsasapogenin,  the extract of A. asphodeloides, has been reported. Mainly its ability to improve the memory deficit caused by presence of amyloid-β aggregates in brain [2]. In this study we have examined the in vitro anti-amyloidogenic and neurotrophic potential of sarsasapogenin (ML1) and its derivatives (ML4, ML9, ML13).

The destroying activity of sarsasapogenin and three its derivatives was studied by means of ThT fluorescence spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy. Among studied compounds, ML1 and ML4 displayed significant destroying activity towards Aβ42 amyloid fibrils. At 100 µM concentration, the most potential derivative ML4 reduced ThT fluorescence intensity up to 36 % compared to untreated amyloid fibrils, corresponding to 64% destroying activity.  The capacity to destroy Aβ42 fibrils increased with increasing concentration of the compound. Contrary, ML9 and ML13 displayed no Aβ42 fibrils destroying activity. We have studied the effect of studied compounds on SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells survival. Our results showed that none of the studied compounds had a significant effect on SH-SY5Y proliferation. We have also tested the effect of compounds on Aβ42 fibrils-induced cytotoxicity using colorimetric WST-1 assay. Interestingly, compounds ML9 and ML13, with no fibrils destructive activity, decreased the metabolic activity of the cells. Contrary, the activity of compounds ML1 and ML4 led to destruction of preformed Aβ42 amyloid fibrils however did not form highly toxic intermediates. Thus the cell proliferation was not decreased. The ability of compounds to induce the neuritic outgrowth and building new interneuronal connections would be of a great advantage in treatment of AD. From the studied compounds, ML4 was able to effectively induce neuritic outgrowth of the neuroblastoma cells.

The present work is a step towards understanding the relationship between the structure, anti-amyloid and neurotrophic potential of sarsasapogenin and sarsasapogenin derivatives. Based on this study, ML4 compound is an effective anti-amyloid compound with ability to induce neuritic outgrowth in neuroblastoma cells. Even though it is structurally very similar to its mother molecule (sarsasapogenin ML1), the additional aromatic ring caused significantly higher anti-amyloid and neurotrophic efficiency. ML4 compound has a great potential to become blueprint for design of new effective sarsasapogenin derivatives with potential to treat amyloidosis. 


This work was supported by grants VEGA 2/0145/17, APVV 18-0284, ITMS project 313011T553 (DIAGNAD). Studied compounds were synthesized and kindly provided by Lei Ma, Bu-Bing Zeng (East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China).


[1] Kashyap, P., Muthusamy, K., Niranjan, M., Trikha, S., & Kumar, S. (2019). Sarsasapogenin: A steroidal saponin from Asparagus racemosus as multi target directed ligand in Alzheimer’s Disease. Steroids, 108529. doi:10.1016/j.steroids.2019.108529. 
[2] Yu, L., Huang, C., Dong, D., Huang, Y., Ma, L., & Wang, R. (2019). Neuroprotective effects of sarsasapogenin-AA13 via autophagy and MAPK pathway. Int J Clin Exp Med12(5), 4920-4927.


Chcela by som sa opýtať prečo sú pre Vás zaujímavé práve sarsasapogeníny, keď čínska medicína poskytuje mnoho ďalších podobne účinných extraktov?

Veľmi pekne ďakujem za otázku.
Alzheimerova choroba (AD) je multifaktorové ochorenie, charakteristické poruchami cholinergickej neurotransmisie, oxidačným stresom, prítomnosťou extracelulárnych β-amyloidných plakov a intracelulárnych depozitov amyloidných agregátov tau proteínu (Ju et al., 2019). Napriek tomu, že sa jedná o široko rozšírené ochorenie, dodnes nie je liečiteľné. Väčšina liečiv sa zameriava na potlačenie symptómov ochorenia, čím prispieva k skvalitneniu života pacientov postihnutých AD.
Čínska medicína už niekoľko storočí poskytuje veľké množstvo látok, ktoré majú niekoľko prospešných vlastností využiteľných pri hľadaní účinného liečiva pre AD. Súčasné výsledky ukázali, že použitie extraktov z čínskych bylín predstavuje sľubnú cestu pre dizajn účinného liečiva. Dôležitou vlastnosťou týchto látok by mala byť predovšetkým schopnosť ovplyvniť vznik alebo deštruovať vytvorené amyloidné agregáty β-amyloidného (Aβ) peptidu a tau proteínu. Anti-amyloidný účinok bol preukázaný pre viaceré látky ako kurkumín a resveratrolu (II. fáza klinického výskumu), extrakty zeleného čaju, tanšinón (extrakt Salvia miltiorrhiza) (Bonaccini et al. 2015). Pre mnohé z týchto látok bol preukázaný aj anti-oxidačný účinok, schopnosť ovplyvniť funkciu β- a γ- sekretázy. Veľmi zaujímavou skupinou látok sú extrakty z Rhizoma asphodeloides, sarsasapogeníny. Sarsasapogenín sa dlhodobo používa v tradičnej čínskej medicíne vďaka jeho protinádorovým, antioxidačným, antimikrobiálnym, antivírusovým, a protizápalovým vlastnostiam (Shen S., et al. 2013). Naši spolupracovníci z Východočínskej univerzity testovali anti-oxidačné a protizápalové vlastnosti sarsasapogenínu a novosyntetizovaných derivátov. Zistili, že deriváty použité aj v našej štúdii boli schopné výrazne ochrániť PC-12 bunky voči cytotoxicite indukovanej amyloidnými agregátmi Aβ peptidu. Preto sme sa rozhodli podrobne preskúmať účinok sarsasapogenínu na Aβ42 amyloidné fibrily in vitro. Zistili sme, že táto spôsobuje výraznú deštrukciu fibríl. Ďalšie publikácie poukázali na ich ďalšie prospešné vlastnosti, ako napr. účinnosť pri apoptóze, oxidačnom strese, zápaloch a poruchách pamäte spôsobených starnutím (Ling et al., 2019, Wang et al., 2017). Aj vďaka tomu si tieto látky získali pozornosť a ukázali potrebu hlbšieho poznania pre ich možné využitie pri dizajne látok s antiamyloidným účinkom.

Hello Barbora,
Nice piece of scientific work. I would like to ask on your statement: "compounds ML9 and ML13, with no fibrils destructive activity, decreased the metabolic activity of the cells. Contrary, the activity of compounds ML1 and ML4 led to destruction of preformed Aβ42 amyloid fibrils however did not form highly toxic intermediates. Thus the cell proliferation was not decreased." Would it be possible to combine the derivatives in order to investigate, whether there might be present some interaction effect? Is it feasible?
Best regards,

Thank you very much for your question.
In our study we used neuroblastoma cells (SH-SY5Y) as a model system for neural cells. I assume that the use of the cancer-like cell line led to a slight misconception. My statement to use of SH-SY5Y cells and interpretation of the results is that in our studies, we are focused on the effect of protein amyloid aggregates (alone or in the presence of small molecules) on cell proliferation, metabolism and overall survival. It is generally accepted that presence of amyloid aggregates causing significant damage to cells observed in our experimental set up as a decrease in cell proliferation. Therefore, in this study we have look up to biophysical aspects of amyloid aggregation of Amyloid-β (Aβ) peptide associated with Alzheimer's disease and the compounds with potential to inhibit this unfavorable process of aggregation or destroy fibrils. We have observed that compounds ML9 and ML13 were not able to destruct preformed amyloid fibrils as Thioflavin T fluorescence intensities wasn't significantly decreased in comparison to thioflavin T fluorescesnce of Aβ fibrils alone. Moreover, the decrease of cell proliferation and metabolism represents in our study the decrease of the viability of the neuron cells indicating neurotoxic effect of these compounds. On the other hand, ML1 and ML4 showed ability to destruct toxic preformed amyloid fibrils and form non-toxic intermediates as the cell proliferation in the presence of aggregates formed after incubation with these compounds were comparable to control (untreated cells). Based on our results, we assume that ML1 and ML4 derivatives might hold the key structural element that is important for the anti-amyloid properties. We are already working on in silico simulation of ML1 and ML4 to identify their binding sites in structure of Aβ fibrils.
To answer, second part of your question, ML4 is a derivative of ML1 with very similar structure. Of course it is feasible to investigate the effect of equimolar mixture of ML1 and ML4. Several similar studies were performed in our lab with different natural compounds, extracts of green tea like EGCG, epigallocatechin, gallic acid and caffeine (Gancar et al., 2020, Sci Rep). Using this approach, we can study if the compounds can act synergistically and increase the anti-amyloid properties or antagonistic with smaller effect for the mixture than individual compounds. But, to say what the effect would be one needs perform the study. However, this is very interesting suggestion worth to think about. Thank you for that!

Thank you for the exhaustive answer and wish you every success in your future work.

Thank you. I hope my answer's met your expectations. Wish you all the best.