Prenatal hypoxia affected postnatal development and brain neurotransmitter levels of the rat offspring

Prenatal hypoxia affected postnatal development and brain neurotransmitter levels of the rat offspring

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PharmDr. Štefan Husár PhD.80%80%-
Mgr. Terézia Valkovičová100%80%100%
Mgr. Dominika Micháliková100%100%-
Mgr. Martina Morová100%100%-
RNDr. Matúš Sýkora100%100%100%
ISBN: 978-80-972360-6-9

Prenatal hypoxia affected postnatal development and brain neurotransmitter levels of the rat offspring

Michaela Piešová1,2 , Romana Koprdová1 , Katarína Hadová3 , Peter Křenek3 , Mojmír Mach1
1 Institute of Experimental Pharmacology and Toxicology, Centre of Experimental Medicine, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia
2 Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia
3 Faculty of Pharmacy, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia

Hypoxia is one of the most dangerous impacts during prenatal development because the continuous supply of oxygen is inevitable for proper tissue development during the fetal period. Especially the central nervous system is highly vulnerable to limited oxygen during development and hypoxia can, therefore, lead to morphological and structural changes in the brain and subsequent behavioral changes later in life. Glutamate and acetylcholine are the most important neurotransmitter systems for the development and cognitive processes. Our study aimed to assess the impact of prenatal hypoxia on the postnatal development of the rat offspring and on the cholinergic and glutaminergic neurotransmitter systems in their brain. Pregnant Wistar rats were subjected to hypoxia (10,5% O2) for 12 hours on gestational day 20. Postnatal sensorimotor development of their offspring was assessed by righting reflex, air-righting, and startle reflex test. Prefrontal cortex (PFC) and hippocampus of their male offspring (nHYP = 6, nCON = 11) were collected on postnatal day 34. Relative expression of Slc18a3 and Chat, as markers of cholinergic transmission, and Grin1 encoding a subunit of glutaminergic NMDA receptor were evaluated. Actb and B2m were used as reference genes. Sensorimotor development of hypoxic pups was slower compared to control group, seen as significant delay in righting reflex (p<0.01), and lower percentage of accomplishment at air-righting (p<0.05) and startle reflex test (p<0.05). RT-qPCR showed a decrease in relative expression of Slc18a3 (p<0.05) and Chat (p<0.01) in PFC of the hypoxic group compared to the control group, suggesting a negative effect of prenatal hypoxia on acetylcholine synthesis and vesicular transport. On the other side, hypoxia caused an increase of Grin1 (p<0.01) and Chat (p<0.05) expression in the hippocampus. We propose that this elevation may be caused by some reparational mechanisms induced by hypoxia, e.g. neurotrophic factors, as the hippocampus is one of the few regions in that neurogenesis continues up to adulthood. In conclusion, hypoxia caused a significant delay in postnatal development of rat pups and changes in neurotransmitter systems in both PFC and hippocampus. However, the extent of hypoxia-induced injury differed in these regions, probably due to the enhanced capacity of hippocampal reparational mechanisms.


This study was supported by the grant VEGA 2/0154/20 and SAS Programme for PhD students’ grant APP0054.



Dobrý deň.
Asi nie som jediná, koho automaticky napadne ako sa dá váš výskum aplikovať na človeka :-)
Preto by som sa chcela spýtať, či a kedy môže dôjsť k prenatálnej hypoxii u tehotných žien a prečo ste si zvolili preskúmať expresiu génov Chat, Slc18a3 a Grin1, prípadne či majú ortológov u človeka?

Dobrý deň,
ďakujem za otázky. Samozrejme, aj u tehotných žien môže k prenatálnej hypoxii dôjsť. Môže vzniknúť vplyvom vonkajších faktorov (napríklad fajčenie, tehotenstvo vo vysokých nadmorských výškach, znečistenie životného prostredia), niektorých ochorení matky (astma, poškodenie srdca alebo pľúc, anémia, gestačný diabetes) alebo porušenia uteroplacentárnej cirkulácie (odlúčenie placenty, poškodený vývin placenty, zúženie alebo uzavretie pupočnej artérie).
Našim cieľom bolo zistiť vplyv prenatálnej hypoxie na cholinergný a glutamátový systém, ktoré sú dôležité najmä pre vývin kognitívnych schopností (poznávania, pamäte a učenia). Chat a Slc18a3 kódujú enzýmy dôležité pre tvorbu a transport acetylcholínu a sú preto vhodnými markermi cholinergného systému. Grin1 kóduje základnú podjednotku glutamátového NMDA receptora a je teda jeho markerom. Všetky tieto gény majú ontológov aj u človeka.