Identification and Monitoring of Forest Habitats in Changing Environment in Area Čierny Balog, Central Slovakia by Satellite Images

Identification and Monitoring of Forest Habitats in Changing Environment in Area Čierny Balog, Central Slovakia by Satellite Images

Celkové hodnotenie

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ISBN: 978-80-972360-6-9

Identification and Monitoring of Forest Habitats in Changing Environment in Area Čierny Balog, Central Slovakia by Satellite Images

Lucia Cahojova1 , Mária Šibíková1
1 Centrum biológie rastlín a biodiverzity Slovenskej akadémie vied, Bratislava, Slovensko

The aim of this study was to identify the exact boundaries of forest habitats, predominantly Natura 2000 habitats in the area of Čierny Balog, Central Slovakia, as well as verify the possibilities of differentiation of single habitats by using Sentinel-2 satellite images. A specialized software called NaturaSat was used to segment the areas of four habitat types. Spectral characteristics inside the segmented areas were calculated and tested by ANOVA and PERMANOVA analyses. We obtained significant differences, which we consider a promising result and verification of the methods used. This type of new identification for habitats is a necessary step for automatic monitoring of habitat areas and condition changes by satellite data.

Keywords: ecosystem mapping, Sentinel-2, remote sensing, mountain forest, habitat changes


This contribution was supported by grant APVV 16-0431 and VEGA 2/0119/19.


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