The use of RAPD molecular markers in the estimation of the genetic relationship between breeding individuals of Hippeastrum sp.

The use of RAPD molecular markers in the estimation of the genetic relationship between breeding individuals of Hippeastrum sp.


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M.Sc. Justyna Płoska100%100%100%
M.Sc. Małgorzata Zajączkowska100%100%100%

The use of RAPD molecular markers in the estimation of the genetic relationship between breeding individuals of Hippeastrum sp.

Przemysław Marciniak1 , Szymon Żołondowski1 , Karolina Nowakowska1 , Dariusz Sochacki1
1 Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Department of Ornamental Plants, 166 Nowoursynowska Street, 02-787 Warsaw, Poland

The aim of ornamental plant breeding is to improve cultivars. Biological progress manifests itself in the generation of variation and distinctness. Molecular markers can be used to confirm distinctness from other genotypes. The aim of this study was to assess the degree of relationship between breeding individuals of Hippeastrum using the Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method. Twenty genotypes were selected for the study - 15 breeding clones obtained from crossing three cultivars of Hippeastrum hybridum -'Gervase', 'Rio Negro' and 'Royal Velvet' with two clones of Hippeastrum ×chmielii (Nos. 6 and 18) and parental forms. The analyses confirm the usefulness of using RAPD molecular markers in assessing the relatedness of this genus. Based on the results, several groups characterized by different degrees of relationship were distinguished. Individuals 0062-10, 0021-10 and 0023-11 are the most genetically related among themselves. The paternal form of 'Gervase' is related to the maternal form of H. ×chmielii clone 6, and both these genotypes are related to the cultivar 'Royal Velvet'. Genotypes 0004-5, 0004-4 and 0003-13 are strongly related to each other and to clone 18 of H. ×chmielii. H. hybridum 'Rio Negro' is the least related of all the genotypes tested.
