Meconium ileus equivalent by adults

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Meconium ileus equivalent by adults

Jan Danko1
1 Klinik Kittsee

Cystic fibrosis is not rare autosomal recessive transmitted disease of Caucasian population and it belongs still under untreatable disease. It was running deadly already in childhood in last century, but life expectance lies these days by 50th year of age. Distal intestinal obstruction syndrome is a rare complication of patient suffering from cystic fibrosis. Usually ileum and right colon are obstructed by putty like material. Cause is multifactorial. The absence of pancreatic enzymes alone has been disproved. But in combination with malfunction of bowel mucous excretion and broken gut motility can cause real gut obstruction. Incidence of mucoviscidosis decreases in Europe from 1 to 2500 live giving birth in the last century to 1 to 3000 - 6000 today. 1,8 % of these patients will develop intestinal obstruction. Therapy aim is as soon as possible to start with treatment. On beginning is indicated conservative therapy and surgical intervention to undertake only if unavoidable. Because of growing of affected population is acute therapy not only for centers intended. Each surgeon should be aware of this condition and prime diagnose is important for right choice of therapy.

Three adult cases are reported, two from specialized centre and one from general surgical unit. One case was treated by surgical intervention and two cases were healed through high osmotic pressure of laxatives.


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