Ornitocenózy severnej časti Dolnovážskej nivy

Primárne karty

ISBN: 978-80-970712-6-4

Ornitocenózy severnej časti Dolnovážskej nivy

Jozef Lacko1
1 Prírodovedecká fakulta Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave, Bratislava 4, Slovenská republika

The research focuses on the analysis of structure and dynamics of bird communities in two transects on the Vah river alluvium between cities Piestany and Nove Mesto nad Vahom [1]. The research is aimed on the analysis of species composition, distribution and multitude of aquatic and wetland birds, on the analysis of their seasonal dynamics, interannual variability in species composition, diversity and others indicators of birds in these transects [2].

The secondary aim is to find out the main types of disturbancies, their intensity, antropogenous effects and others chosen environment variables in these transects of Vah river alluvium [3]. We will utilize statistical analyses from these environmental variables and explain their impact on bird communities of this area. From these findings suitable management measures for the conservation or improvement of conservation status of target species will be derived [4].


Projekt bol podporený grantom VEGA 2/0059/09


1. Darola J. (1953) Váh ako ťahová cesta vtáctva. Diplomová práca, 159 pp.
2. Kubán V. (1993) Ornitologické zaujímavosti z okolia Piešťan. Tichodroma, 6: 121 – 123, Bratislava.
3. Kaňuščák P. (2007) Vtáctvo širšieho okolia Piešťan. Balneologické múzeum Piešťany, 176 pp.
4. Janda J., Řepa P. (1986) Metódy kvantitatívneho výskumu v ornitológii. SZN, Okresní vlastivědné muzeum J. A. Komenského, Praha, p. 157.