Regulačné mechanizmy prebiehajúce v rastlinných porastoch bábskeho lesa

Primárne karty

ISBN: 978-80-972360-0-7

Regulačné mechanizmy prebiehajúce v rastlinných porastoch bábskeho lesa

Ivana Pilková1
1 Katedra ekológie a environmentalistiky, FPV UKF Nitra, Nitra, Slovenská republika

The presented article includes results of the research, which took place in the area of the Báb forest (village Veľký Báb, Nitra loess upland) and these results were collected during a vegetative period of 2013. The research focused on an evaluation of regulatory mechanisms which take place in plants' stands on clearcuts and forest covers. Management and control mechanisms, which can decide about density, overall population biomass, and average size of a plant, were monitored in an herbal populations Galium aparine, Mercurialis perennis and Urtica dioica. In the stands, I could also observe an allelopathic effect of an herb Alliaria petiolata influencing the pushing out of other taxa. I could observe an influence of surrounding vegetation on growth and density in the case of ephemeroids, violets and in the case of two forest herbs Galium odoratum and Mercurialis perennis.

Key words: Báb forest, regulatory mechanisms, management mechanisms, clearcuts, allelopathic effect
