Remote sensing techniques as a tool for mapping habitats of the Special Area of Conservation Biskupické luhy

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Remote sensing techniques as a tool for mapping habitats of the Special Area of Conservation Biskupické luhy

Lucia Čahojová1 , Monika Jurašiková2 , Ivan Jarolímek , Helga Kothajová3 , Mária Šibíková , Katarína Mikulová4
1 Botanický ústav, Centrum biológie rastlín a biodiverzity SAV, Dúbravská cesta 9, 845 23 Bratislava
2 Prírodovedecká Fakulta UK Bratislava, Katedra environmentálnej ekológie a manažmentu krajiny, Mlynská dolina, Ilkovičova ulica č. 6, 842 15 Bratislava
3 Štátna ochrana prírody SR, Správa Chránenej krajinnej oblasti Dunajské luhy v Bratislave, Karloveská 63, 841 04 Bratislava
4 Bratislavské regionálne ochranárske združenie – BROZ, Na Riviére 7/a, 841 04 Bratislava

Intensive management, water regulation and lowering of groundwater levels, cultivation of non-native poplar species and increasing interest of people in spending free time in nature near cities and watercourses have disturbed most floodplain forests not only in Slovakia. Special Area of Conservation Biskupické luhy (SKUEV0295), located on the banks of the river Danube in the south-eastern part of the capital Bratislava, is a mosaic of rare habitats of wetlands, floodplain forests and dry forest-steppes in a relatively small area. It is this diverse habitat structure that supports rich biodiversity, which increases the value and reason for the protection of this area. However, knowledge of the current state of habitats as well as proper and regular monitoring is needed to ensure adequate protection. However, knowledge of the current state of habitats as well as proper and regular monitoring is needed to ensure adequate protection. Our work aimed to identify and create a map of the current vegetation in the area. We used a combination of field research and remote sensing techniques to reach our goals. Both the natural habitats that are the subject of the protection of this area and the stands of invasive and non-native species were mapped in order to determine their extent and subsequently propose management measures. These could serve as a basis for the development of a management plan for the area included in the NATURA 2000 system.



The work was supported by projects APVV16-0431 and VEGA 2/0119/19 as well as LIFE17 NAT / SK / 000589 - Restoration of habitats and species of sub-Pannonian grassland.