Adsorptive properties of chitosan membranes

Adsorptive properties of chitosan membranes

Celkové hodnotenie

Vedecká práca
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Diskusná interakcia
PoužívateľVedecká prácaDizajnDiskusná interakcia
Mgr. Eva Viglašová100%100%-
Mgr. Jana Holekšiová100%100%-
Mgr. Eva Duborská100%100%-
ISBN: 978-80-970712-8-8

Adsorptive properties of chitosan membranes

Lucia Pivarčiová1 , Oľga Rosskopfová , Pavol Rajec
1 Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Prírodovedecká fakulta, Katedra jadrovej chémie, Bratislava, Slovenská republika

Polymers are considered to be among the important materials in membrane technology, given their good flexibility, toughness, and separation capacity. Among these biopolymers, chitosan has been investigated as a very promising material (1). Chitosan is primarily composed of β (1→4) linked 2-amino-2-deoxy-D-glucopyranose units. Several methods have been used to modify natural chitosan either physically of chemically in order to improve the adsorption capacity. The crosslinking with glutaraldehyde or epichlorohydrin can be cited as examples of chemical modifications promoted on chitosan (2, 3). Chitosan can be molded in several shapes, membranes, microspheres; gel beads and films, and it is able to provide a ratio: surface area/mass that maximizes the adsorption capacity and minimizes the hydrodynamic limitation effect, such as column clogging and friction loss. The required characteristic for an adsorptive membrane are large specific surface area, high density of reactive functional groups and good mechanical and chemical resistance (4).

99Tc produced in nuclear reactors originates from the fission of 235U and 239Pu and it can be released to environment from nuclear power plants and reprocessing facilities, nuclear weapons test, nuclear accidents and underground depositories as well. One of 99Tc species, pertechnetate ion 99TcO4- under oxidizing conditions, is soluble and mobile in environment. On the other hand, the insoluble species of 99Tc in a lower oxidation state are present under aerobic and anaerobic conditions (5, 6).

This work was aimed to study swelling and adsorptive properties of chitosan membranes. The influence of contact time on the sorption of pertechnetate anions was studied. The percentage of technetium sorption on MMWChi-TiO2 membrane of area 1 cm2 was > 15 % and the sorption for this membrane of areas 3 cm2 and 5 cm2 was ≈30 %. The maximum percentage of technetium sorption for MMWChi-Ag membrane of area 5 cm2 and MMWChi-TEOS IPN+halloysite membrane of area 5 cm2 was ≈45 % and ≈48 %, respectively.


(1)   Salehi E., Madaeni S.S., Rajabi L., Vatanpour V., Derakhshan A.A., Zinadini S, Ghorabi S, Ahmadi M.H. (2012) Sep. Purif. Technol. 89, 309-319.
(2)   Guibal E. (2004) Sep. Purif. Technol. 38, 43-74.
(3)   Xiong Ch., Pi L., Chen X., Yang L., Ma Ch., Zheng X. (2013) Carbohydr. Polym. 98, 1222-1228.
(4)   Zhang L., Zhao Y.H., Bai R. (2011) J. Membr. Sci. 379, 69-79.
(5)   Ishii N., Tagami K., Uchida S. (2004) Chemosphere 57, 953-959.
(6)   Shi K. (2012) Anal. Chim. Acta 709, 1-20.
