Vplyv elektromagnetického poľa generovaného základňou telefónu na aktivitu autonómneho nervového systému

Vplyv elektromagnetického poľa generovaného základňou telefónu na aktivitu autonómneho nervového systému

Celkové hodnotenie

Vedecká práca
Prevedenie (dizajn)
Diskusná interakcia
PoužívateľVedecká prácaDizajnDiskusná interakcia
Mária Šumichrastová100%100%-
Dušan Piatrik100%100%100%
Michal Gabriš100%100%100%
Miroslav Trška80%100%100%
Martina Prosňanská100%100%100%
Martin Padúch100%100%100%
PHDr. Michal Trnka PhD.100%100%100%
Róbert Važan100%100%100%
Bc. Patrícia Petáková80%80%-
ISBN: 978-80-972360-1-4

Vplyv elektromagnetického poľa generovaného základňou telefónu na aktivitu autonómneho nervového systému

Terézia Červenková1 , Katarína Redhammerová1 , Rastislav Važan1
1 Fyziologický ústav, Lekárska fakulta Univerzity Komenského, Bratislava, Slovenská republika


Nowadays we are more and more surrounded by electrical devices generating electromagnetic fields (EMF). Many nonspecific symptoms are often attributed to possible adverse effects of these fields. One of the systems which could be sensitive to EMF is autonomic nervous system (ANS). In our experiment we studied the influence of short-term exposure to high-frequency EMF (generated by base station of home wireless telephone; 2000 µW/m2) on the ANS activity. Analysis of the Heart Rate Variability (HRV) was used for observation of the ANS activity. Measurements were realized during spring months, daily between 8:00-10:00 a.m. Participants were 21 healthy men (19-24 years, BMI 18-27 kg/m2). Measurements were divided into two different days for each participant – day without EMF (control day) and day with EMF (EMF day). Electrocardiogram for HRV analysis was recorded in supine position during 22 minutes. At the end of the 7th minute EMP-generator was imperceptibly switched on and stayed turned on until the end of the measurement (only EMP day). We compared values of HRV parameters from control day and EMF day, but there were no significant differences in any parameter. Conclusion: short-term exposure to high-frequency EMF generated by base station of home wireless telephone does not affect activity of the ANS observed via HRV.


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